The last four years at Mississippi State University have been nothing short of God taking my life by the reins and making me realize how much control I DO NOT have in my life. As a person who was born with a “plan” since day one, I would be fibbing if I told you I was patient and never questioned God’s plan for my life or my faith in Him during this time. Instead, the majority of this journey I lacked a great deal of patience and faith. It was a daily struggle sometimes to keep going, but am I glad that I did! I had to learn first hand what it feels like to be completely broken down spiritually, emotionally, and physically in order for God to begin molding me to the person I am today.
                  In this process God introduced me to a new group of friends who pray for me daily and challenge me in my walk with Christ. I went from being an Elementary Education major to a Pre-Nursing major during the middle of my junior year. Changing my major was one of the most difficult decisions I made in college. I came to realize it was one of the best decisions I made. Since I am a hands on learner and learn best by doing, school has always been a difficult struggle for me. After finishing my pre-requisites for nursing school at MSU, I packed my things in good ole Starkville, and began the four-hour drive home. As I was driving, I realized just how low my confidence was in terms of academics. I couldn’t look at a textbook, my backpack, or even hear someone mention the word nursing school without a rush of anxiety and panic pump throughout my veins.
                  In June I was given a rare opportunity. A nursing position opened up for the summer for Dr. Clay Rainer, a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Doctor at Bayside Orthopaedics. He is a doctor that loves to teach and thoroughly enjoys every second of doing so. Dr. Rainer went the extra mile and took a little time each day to teach me something new. Through Dr. Rainer taking time and patience to see that I gained as much knowledge as I possibly could, I now have confidence in myself that I had forgotten existed. Unbeknownst to me this summer, God was using my experience working with Dr. Rainer to prepare me for the next exciting chapter in my life, Africa.
                  I will be leaving around the first of January and returning in April. I will be living in Kapsowar, Kenya, working in a hospital with some friends of ours that we have known for twenty years, Bill and Laura Rhodes. We lived next door to them in student housing at University Medical Center in Jackson, Ms, when my dad first started medical school. The Rhodes have been missionaries living in Kapsowar since 1999. Dr. Bill is the primary surgeon for a population of around 350,000 people. Doctors, nurses, and medical students from all over the world come to this hospital to help out where needed, and to learn in the third world setting. I’m looking forward to the challenges of learning a new culture, as well as understanding how God will continue to “work out His plan” for my life.
                During my time in Kapsowar I am asking for prayers for my safety, continued faith, and patience in serving the Lord. I also ask that you pray for my parents not to be nervous wrecks during this time as well! I have been living at home while working several jobs this summer to help reach my financial goal of around $5000 for my three-month trip. If you feel led to help support me financially you can do so by a tax-deductible donation by through The Way Community Church, or by keeping me in your thoughts and prayers while I am in Kapsowar, Kenya. I am so excited to see what God has in store for me these next few months, and I am so excited that you are going to be coming along for a small portion of this ride! 

In Him,

Julie Carter