Monday, January 30, 2012


By the end of last week I felt okay of enough to go into the O.R. or Theatre as they call it. Did I have so much fun or what! Some cases were touch and go - my kind of cases by the way- any thing with a little bit of drama, and I'm totally there! The people who work in surgery are so much fun to be around as well. I will tell you, there is never a dull moment.
This is a lady prego with twins, and Thomas the anesthetist is giving her a spinal. She never flinched.
(The women here have pain tolerances that you and I have never seen!)
This is Dan and Pricilla. They are married and currently waiting on their visas to go to Angola. Pricilla is teaching Dan (an E.R. physician) how to do C-Sections, because when they get to Angola he will have to do them as well. (It's rather hilarious listening/watching her teach him, but they are so awesome and so much fun!)
That would be Peter one of the scrub nurses behind me. 
This is Lewene (I think thats how you spell his name... Im horrid at spelling. Always have been, but its pronounced lay-win-ay) He is the only other anesthetist here besides Thomas, and has only been here 3-4 months... meaning Thomas has been the only anesthetist since Bill and Laura moved out here. He is crazy good. Crazy good as in better than most in the states, and is Vanderbilt trained at Kajbe hospital. (Both are actually.)
Me telling the mom she has 2 twin girls!
Holding the baby girlies for the first time.  
About to show the momma her baby girls!
This is a baby with a deformed forearm and face. When Bill looked at the x-ray he didn't think he saw a radius... but it could have just been a bad shot... We will see him back in a week. (If the mom shows up.)
And yes. THAT IS A THYROID. Holy Hannah is right. When Bill and Cess took it out, it was the size of and looked just like a heart. No joke. I have the picture to prove it, but I will spare the stomachs of all the weaklings out there! : )
Last and certainly not least... Here are some of the cute furry friends that hang out around the hospital...
I think I'll call them... "The Trash Can Bandits."

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Iten. Training center to most of the olympic running teams, and also home to numerous Kenyan Olympic Gold Meddle winners. Its a rather cool BALLIN place if you ask me. Lots of Europeans come here to back pack throughout the rift valley, hang glide, parachute, and so on. But shooooot... I like going to check out all the (white MALE) runners in their rather short shorts! Ok, ok weird I know, BUT you have to remember that I am in Kapsowar, and men are ONLY allowed to wear shorts during athletic activities, (running) but your shirt must remain on. Girls are NEVER allowed to wear shorts in Kapsowar, but because Iten is a more touristy area, and there are more white people doing athletic activities- running/ hiking/etc... short shorts and running without a shirt are considered not slutty and appropriate AS LONG AS YOUR EXERCISING! But anyways... back to the men in shorts! Just Kidding! Its cool driving down road at ANY time of the day dusk or dawn, and you will see several of them running around like its no big thing. To have those LUNGS, legs, and abs I tell ya! (legs and abs of the girls of course!) Nyways here are some pictures of our day trip...
Runners Point is where all the runners take there used running gear (shorts, pants, NICE shoes, jackets, shirts.) I bought a SUPER nice jacket for 450 schillings (about $4.50 U.S. Dollars) and that blue shirt flying in the wind BECAUSE it is a Birmingham, Al. Mercedes-Benz half marathon running shirt from 2011! (That race happened to be my older sister Jill's very first half marathon race, and it had ALABAMA ON IT!! WHAT THE!?! What were the odds of that?! The owner tried to make me pay 450 schillings for it... Um oh no sir... I argued heavily till I got it for 300 schillings. It went a little something like this:
Me: How much?
Owner: Mmm 450 schillings.
Me: What!?! HECK NO! (literally) I am NOT paying the same price for a nice hooded jacket as I am for a SHIRT. YOU ARE INSANE.
Owner: (chuckles and smiles) Fine. 400 schillings. 
Me: NO. This is MY HOME STATE! I am not paying that much for this USED SHIRT. Stop trying to rip me off. Ill will give you 300 schillings.
Owner: Exactly it's your home state you shouldn't care how much it cost. 350 schillings.
Me: Yes I should! No. 300 schillings. Take it or leave it because Im buying this shirt for my sister. So it's 300 schillings or its free. : ) (I handed him the 750schillings) and said Im taking this shirt for 300 schillings because we both know it's not worth 450 or 350 schillings.
Owner: Okay okay okay I know fine. 
Me: : ) Thanks! 
So yeah. Clearly won that battle. duh. I'm short, sassy, and a ginger. So whatever.
Ate a scrumptious lunch at the Rift Valley Lodge fit for westerners
while looking at this insane view over the rift valley... the pics don't even do it justice!
 Looking straight down
 Enjoy the view!

Friday, January 20, 2012

2 1/2 hr. Hike Turned 5

I am so sorry for the neglect of the blog this past week. My internet modem has been giving me fits, and I have not been feeling too hot. The E.R. physician here on staff and I decided it would be in my best interest to stop my malaria medication, because I apparently happened to be the (1) case that had side affects from Malerone. So, after stopping the Malerone I was on TOP of the world until late Wednesday night after our trip to Eldoret. We stopped at a Cafe for coffee and juice and the idiot waitress put tap water in my juice. Therefore, unbeknownst to me until well 2:30a.m. and so forth... I think you get the picture. Needless to say I am thankfully better today, and I want NOTHING to do with tap water ever again! 
So anyways, let me take you back to last weekend, where the 2 1/2 hour hike we were suppose to go on turned into 5... 
So earlier that in the week Mrs. Laura who is a power woman took me on this walk hike up a mountain (don't ask me to tell you the name because if I knew I probably couldn't spell it! : ) ) And it was BREATHTAKING and so was the view. Ha ha. Did you catch that? So... I went back and told the Asians. They of course wanted to go see it 2 DAYS after I had just risked my lungs from deflating of lack of oxygen. But whatever I'll go, but Im not promising I remember the way bc I felt like I was near death, so y'all get the directions. Not till 3 1/2 hours in did I realize just how vague the directions Jade wrote down were....  But here are some pictures of the awesomeness at the top of the mountain before EVERYTHING went down hill... but before here are some lovely pictures of Kapsowar and the surrounding mountainous areas!!

This was the view to the left of us as we started our hike. 
They farm on the side of the mountain. Could you imagine? These people amaze me more and more every single day. And this one isn't even that steep!!
I'd say 5 star hotel wouldn't you? : )
This is the river where they everyone in the village washes their clothes on the weekends.
The very first view at the top of the mountain

This is from another point slightly higher up.
Me, Jade, Alice, and Dhiva
Me, Ran, Alice, and Dhiva
  The white and bright red roof building is the hospital. 

So needless to say, we made it to the top of the mountain in about 1 1/2 - 2 hours then my lovely asian roommates decided that it would be the best idea to TALK TO EVERYONE HUMAN BEING that we walked by, take pictures of them, etc... as well as take a MILLION pictures of the SAME EXACT THING over and over and over again all while not reading our directions, missing a turn, and having to go the long way with the equator sun BEAMING DOWN ON MY FARE SKIN midday resulting in 2nd degree burns. (No really they were.) It was rough. I was not in a good. At. All. I highly doubt that I will EVER do that hike again... So thankful I have pictures to prove I did it and that it is behind me! : )

**If yall could so me a favor and follow my blog if you are reading it that would be so awesome! The feeder, Facebook, and my mom says you are, but I'd like to know just who all is! Thanks so much! SO more to come if the internet acts right!!**

Sunday, January 15, 2012

In Black and White

I took my camera out to the hospital the other day because well, the babies and kiddos are everywhere. So, here are a few faces I see on a regular basis around the hospital on any given day.
"Every child you encounter is a divine appointment." -Wess Stafford, President, Compassion International
"Only where children gather is there any real chance of fun."- Mignon McLaughlin, journalist and author

"A person's a person, no matter how small."Dr. Seuss, author

"To me, a faith in Jesus Christ that is not aligned with the poor ... it's nothing." - Bono, lead singer of U2

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I Absolutely Love It

Oh how much I love this little tiny place! I was down for the count when I got here after swallowing the water in Nairobi like an idiot when brushing my teeth. I paid for it. Big time. Wow. It took an absolute toll on my body for a few days. I have never felt so bad and prayed so hard while traveling all day to Kapsowar. It was NOT fun. Praise the Lord for Mrs. Laura who came running out of her house with hot, homemade bread, and a sprite to help ease my stomach, as soon as our Matatu pulled up. My 4 roommates took such good care of me as well. It's nice to live with wana be doctors : )- (3) are Asian/Aussie (Jade, Alice, and Ran) -Yes, Ran like I "Ran" for it, but it's pronounced RON-) and (1) Serologin/Cambodian/Aussie (Dhiva) Yes. Just like "Diva is a female version of a hustla." We jank all day long... especially because I'm the ONLY white/American. Loves it! Awesomely enough, there is no racism here in Kenya. It's nice for once. For example: EVERY TIME a Kenyan sees me, they say "Mzungu!" Meaning: "White Person!" I'm not Julie. I'm Mzungu Julie, or Mzungu! I wonder what people back in the states would think/say if I called you by the color of your skin? White is white. Tan is tan. Black is black. Really who cares if our insides are the same? Why do some not all make such a HUGE,  Racist Huge  if you do that? Because it's "disrespectful and Racist" I call bull crap on that one.  No pun intended, but black people may have the same color skin as some africans, but black people I'm sorry to say that you are not African. Just like Asian Americans are of Asian decent, but not "full Asian" because they have no idea what it is like to live in Asia. Earth to Shelia, they live in America. Black people (I'm mainly talking to you because I'm in Africa. Lets not get our panties in a wad, but until you come to Kenya, live in a rural African village in a run down shack, with no running water, toilets, or place to bathe; as well as know 3 languages: English, Swahili, and your mother tongue, (which is your tribal language and english is only if you are able to attend school) you then pray that you are the chosen one in your family to attend college which is MAYBE 1 child in a family of 8 or more. The rest do what they can to make a schilling in the market. So. Until you live this life, black people, are Black Americans in my eyes. You are not, nor will you ever be African American, because you will never realize how HARD these people work for everything they have day in and day out, and they don't scream for "free" stuff. Example: Healthcare. (Yes, some people in the U.S. of A work hard. My parents, and their parents, and their parents etc... But they don't/didn't work this hard for a "dolla dolla bill." Neither do I, and neither do you. These Kenyans are just grateful for work. Grateful to HAND WASH MY LAUNDRY. Like what? It brings Mercy outstanding joy to hand wash my laundry and clean our kitchen because it means she gets paid. So, how about EVERYONE (Myself included) QUIT with the DAMN COMPLAINING, and just be GRATEFUL!
**Alright. I just needed to get that off my chest. PHEW. I feel so much better already.  What I "preached" was not meant to offend anyone. I was stating the facts. If you don't like it, sorry. I'm witnessing things first hand, so there. God has been convicting me a lot too, and yes the truth hurts. No one said it didn't.**
Neyways back to Kapsowar... : ) So the roosters crow all day long. Not just at 6 a.m. But ALL day long. They are worse than babies with severe colic. (If you've had one or kept one you know what I'm talking about here... haha!) If you are thinking about getting a rooster... take my advice. Don't. They are miserable. On the flip side, I have met SO many people that it is well, astronomical. They all look the same, to me and I'm horrible with names... plus they mumble really bad, talk very quiet because they are very shy, speak very little english, and I also speak like no swahili, but they are still so sweet even when they are so sick! I swear they change outfits, names, and then re-introduce themselves... they really don't do that but I so feel like they do! They are all the same "color black" because they are from the same tribe which makes them so difficult to differentiate. I thought it was hard in Nairobi, but heck no it's easy there! Nairobi has a mixture of all different tribes from all over Kenya so there's many shades of black, but here there is just one tribe, and I swear they are all identical. Whatever I'll get it.
All the ladies here wear biscuit tennis shoes. It reminds me of my Papaw Harace because that is all he wears! * When you go into someone house you always take your shoes off... no idea why. Maybe I should find that out!*
 The view outside my bedroom window (Mrs. Laura made sure it was the best. Indeed it is.) P.S. we're going to climb that mountain when we get acclimated to the altitude. Let's just pray that left Plantar Fisciitis and left knee don't give me any trouble!!! 
 All our laundry is done by hand like in the old in days and then hung up to dry by Mercy our housekeeper. Those would all be my sox too!
Every night we refill the water bottles up with tap water, and then sit them outside to receive the sunlights U.V. Rays for approximately 8-10 hours to rid of any pathogens in the water. The bottles on the right are the newest ones we set out, and the bottles on the left oldest ones. Therefore, every night we rotate them. Make sense? 
 This is the water purifier. After the water has been sitting in the sun for 8-10 hours we then poor the water in here at night and let it purify. Technically the water is now safe to drink after this step.
To be extra careful, we put the purified water into the boiling pitcher for 10 minutes. And viola! We have scorching hot drinking water! : )
These are two of the little girls who walk by our hostile daily with watering jugs. ( Can you imagine how heavy these are when full?) There is a watering well just up the road where they, along with their sisters collect all the water for their rather large family for night and following day to drink, cook, bathe, and wash clothes with. It's sad and cute at the same time. You might be saying wow they are so young... but these girls are actually old compared to the several 3 year olds I also see climbing up the hill with their bothers and sisters every afternoon with teeny tiny water jugs doing the exact same thing. It's an eye opener for sure because THEY DON'T COMPLAIN. THIS IS JUST LIFE TO THEM!
*I really love Kapsowar as of right now. Maybe that will change when all my asian roommates leave in 2 weeks, and my new roommates come along. I have no idea. I pray it won't. I still haven't found my niche. It's a whole lot different here than in the states. The nurses play a completely different role. In saying that, it's not necessarily a good thing. They are also not open to anyone coming in to help or changing their way of caring for the sick patients. Here is an example of the nursing care: A patient I saw my second day here at 4 p.m. with meningitis died very early that following morning. According to one of the nurses she died at 1 a.m. However, at around 9 a.m. during morning rounds the deceased patient was still lying in her hospital bed, without sheet covering her, in the same room with all the other extremely ill patients,  (everyone is in the same room kind of like in the old-n-days) and had not been moved to the morgue which is about 5 yards away maybe nor moved  to a separate area, or at least pull the curtain and cover her up. Catch my drift? It's a whole different scenario here. So please keep praying that I will find my place or niche here. It's somewhere I know it! I just haven't found it yet. I feel the prayers already from everyone, and it is beyond comforting! Thank you all so very much!*