Thursday, February 23, 2012


What I'm concentrating on these days...
I know, it has been a while since I sat behind the computer screen and typed out an incredibly "awesome" blog. I know. Sorry. But time sure is short these days, and I have been trying to ingest every second of every day with traveling to new parts of Kenya (which I will blog about when we get power again, my computer is about to die), trying to understand more of the sociology of the culture, and as to why they do the things they do, and spending time with the ones who have made this place home for me. So, really as you can see, yes, blogging is important to document what happens, but it really does take away from my time here. It takes a whole day for a blog to load. I know... modern convenience of wifi is one of the only things I miss from the states, besides chocolate chips!! I have a feeling I will do my best to blog here while I can, but when I get back home I will "catch you all up" on the last 3 months... when I have wifi again! Time is so precious.
 In the states, everyone is all about lets go here, there, and everywhere. And GOD FORBID YOU AREN'T ON TIME! If you aren't on time it's "rude"and "inconsiderate", but did anyone ever think that I have a life, chores, and responsibilities as well? Or not even me really the person next me or down the road, or the single mom raising 3 kids, or shoot not the single mom raising 3 kids, but just has her hands full? Yes, that may sound crude at first, but think about that for a few minutes. How many people are fired or yelled at because their 10 minutes late to work? Here, that's called being "on time." "So leave earlier" your supervisor says, but maybe you have little kids you must take to school first, or a really sick family member that you must care for in the mornings before help arrives. The list could go on and on. That is one thing I've learned here. You are on Kenyan Time. That is fine by me, because I don't like being on time anyways! What does Kenyan time mean? Say someone says I'll be over at 11a.m. That 11a.m. DOES NOT mean 11a.m. that means 11:30-12:30p.m. Because he/she has other responsibilities to attend to, and according to what time he/she finishes their chores is when they will come over. The chores including: Collecting firewood from several kilometers away, fetching water from the river again several kilometers away, laundry, cooking food for breakfast, and lunch for the children, preparing chai, getting his/herself ready, and then the time it takes to walk to your house etc, and I'm probably leaving out a WHOLE LOT of their chores. So yeah we live on Kenyan Time... and you know, it suits me just fine because whats an extra couple of minutes? Kenyans don't starts on time either. If the party starts at 7p.m. to kenyans that automatically mean 7:30-8p.m. 
So sometimes, we just need to give people a break.
 Being late to a function is not a "sin" even though some people treat it like it is. Stop and smell the roses. Give that person a break. Because really and truly you have NO idea what their life is like aside from the little tiny, did I say tiny?  bits in the day you see them. (Even your own family members) Enjoy the time time they are with you, and appreciate it instead of griping about how late they were, or how late we are going to be to church! Because in sense of it all, it's not about you, and what time your watch says. There is more to life than a Timex a watch. Unfortunately, it took me coming to Africa to figure all that out, and I am still learning. Everyday is school for me here. (Which is probably why I never want to step foot in a classroom again. I'm not kidding either.) But seriously, I feel like I could write a book on all of the things I am learning here, and what American's have long forgotten about. Starting with time
I love this verse. I've learned when I need to just stop, and enjoy myself, take a deep breath, and quit being in a hurry to places, or in a rush to do things. I've learned and realized that everything works out so much better, and is a whole lot more fun when you just let it be and relax! 
Just stop and smell the roses. (or any flower for that matter.) Life is too short. So enjoy it while your here. Travel to new places, hug extra hard, and take the long way just because... because time is too short. So use it wisely my friends.

All my images were found via Pinterest or taken by me! Please feel free to follow me on my blog or pinterest if you like!

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