Thursday, March 8, 2012

(Bobo) Bolgoria

Well hello there! Sorry again for the lack of posts. I had such grand plans to update you all on all my past adventures, but my poor little health went spiraling down the drain. More on that later, as I like to do things in a more chronological order because I'm OCD like that. However, the trip to Bolgoria, was really the calm before the massive storm-as far as my health is concerned- broke out. Now you may be wondering why I have titled this blog "Bobo Bolgoria." Well, maybe because it was just that. Bobo. If you are EVER in Kenya, and a kenyan says "hey lets go to Bolgoria!" Kindly decline and go along on your merry way. Now, my pictures may say otherwise, but let me tell you... I have really learned to love and take very good pictures with my new camera, but just take my word for it. It is extremely hot, and costs A LOT of money to see hot water, dryness, and dust. Thankfully Hilda (a kenyan resident and intern at the hospital) was with us and bribed the rangers. She said we were missionaries (which we are) and didn't have enough money to pay to get in because the fee was too high (we did have enough their price was just so freaking absurd. Like $40 per person.) I winked at him, smiled, Hilda bargained some more and he so kindly caved in, and the rest is history. So yeah, dressing cute and smiling helps. Try it. ; )
On our way to Bolgoria at a lookout point in Iten.

Taken from the matatu
Still on our way... at another "look" point
The kenyans in the background were bottling the water up to take home with them. It was hilarious.

I think maybe their version of "Morning Glory" in Yellowstone National Park...? 
The infamous Geyser that we drove 5 hours to come see. UnFaithful?

As I was about to have a heat stroke, the clouds rolled in over the mountains turning the red clay pink. They aren't normally pinkish like this.

The lil white specs are flamingos that had migrated from Nakuru
One side was dry as desert and extremely dusty, and the other was mountainous with some green and a lake.


 Zebras walking in the middle of a dust storm... see how dry and dusty it is...
and that my friends was ALL to Bolgoria. Trust me. Not worth it. But I feel as Kenyan resident/touree for  3 months, it is my job and duty to give you the good, and not so good. So there. The not so good.
 WATERMELON. The only good thing about it being hot and dry is that in Bolgoria, they are know for watermelon! I literally tears welled up in my eyes when she told me she could make me a whole plate of it. Needless to say, My lunch was an entire plate of it, and I ate every bite!
 Monks fighting and another stuffing his face
 This monk looks all cool and what not, but as soon as this picture was snapped it bolted straight at me and chased me. Oh I was so freaked because there was NO WHERE to go.
Where they make flour. (They use TONS of flour.) They use it in just about every meal they make.
Think Libya will wana share some of dat oil with the U.S. of A?!?! HA. PSYCHE!

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