Friday, January 20, 2012

2 1/2 hr. Hike Turned 5

I am so sorry for the neglect of the blog this past week. My internet modem has been giving me fits, and I have not been feeling too hot. The E.R. physician here on staff and I decided it would be in my best interest to stop my malaria medication, because I apparently happened to be the (1) case that had side affects from Malerone. So, after stopping the Malerone I was on TOP of the world until late Wednesday night after our trip to Eldoret. We stopped at a Cafe for coffee and juice and the idiot waitress put tap water in my juice. Therefore, unbeknownst to me until well 2:30a.m. and so forth... I think you get the picture. Needless to say I am thankfully better today, and I want NOTHING to do with tap water ever again! 
So anyways, let me take you back to last weekend, where the 2 1/2 hour hike we were suppose to go on turned into 5... 
So earlier that in the week Mrs. Laura who is a power woman took me on this walk hike up a mountain (don't ask me to tell you the name because if I knew I probably couldn't spell it! : ) ) And it was BREATHTAKING and so was the view. Ha ha. Did you catch that? So... I went back and told the Asians. They of course wanted to go see it 2 DAYS after I had just risked my lungs from deflating of lack of oxygen. But whatever I'll go, but Im not promising I remember the way bc I felt like I was near death, so y'all get the directions. Not till 3 1/2 hours in did I realize just how vague the directions Jade wrote down were....  But here are some pictures of the awesomeness at the top of the mountain before EVERYTHING went down hill... but before here are some lovely pictures of Kapsowar and the surrounding mountainous areas!!

This was the view to the left of us as we started our hike. 
They farm on the side of the mountain. Could you imagine? These people amaze me more and more every single day. And this one isn't even that steep!!
I'd say 5 star hotel wouldn't you? : )
This is the river where they everyone in the village washes their clothes on the weekends.
The very first view at the top of the mountain

This is from another point slightly higher up.
Me, Jade, Alice, and Dhiva
Me, Ran, Alice, and Dhiva
  The white and bright red roof building is the hospital. 

So needless to say, we made it to the top of the mountain in about 1 1/2 - 2 hours then my lovely asian roommates decided that it would be the best idea to TALK TO EVERYONE HUMAN BEING that we walked by, take pictures of them, etc... as well as take a MILLION pictures of the SAME EXACT THING over and over and over again all while not reading our directions, missing a turn, and having to go the long way with the equator sun BEAMING DOWN ON MY FARE SKIN midday resulting in 2nd degree burns. (No really they were.) It was rough. I was not in a good. At. All. I highly doubt that I will EVER do that hike again... So thankful I have pictures to prove I did it and that it is behind me! : )

**If yall could so me a favor and follow my blog if you are reading it that would be so awesome! The feeder, Facebook, and my mom says you are, but I'd like to know just who all is! Thanks so much! SO more to come if the internet acts right!!**


  1. {I'm having Jackson Hole flashbacks} What I love MOST about this story is that you had NO ONE you could say what you were thinking to! Bahahahahaha!! I love your pictures and at least you look better than you feel in them!

  2. This hike is GORGEOUS! Even though it took hours and hours:)

  3. God probably would have sent me straight to Hell if I said everything I was thinking out loud on that hike...... it was horrible!!!!!!!!!

  4. Gosh that is an intense hike. (at least you didn't attempt it in a skirt :) SO stunning. Did your scalp burn? I looked like I had dandruff for weeks :).
    So jealous. What I would give to have been there with you!!

  5. I just returned from Kapsowar after spending two weeks there. "Hiking" with Laura Rhodes is an interesting experience. I called it sprinting! I just finished blogging about our time here:

    Kapsowar is an amazing place! Can't wait to return!
